Sometimes 4am - 1pm, other times 8am - 5pm. (For the record)
I've always vowed to myself that a 'desk job' will never be something that I'd wake up to do...EVER!
With that being said, I've tailored my life thru my decisions, to nest perfectly in an occupation that makes me use my hands and brains. [No offense to the hard working men and women that sit behind a desk all day.]
It was either automotive or aviation maintenance and engineering. It’s pretty awesome when you can do both too! *wink wink*
So what's my job?
Well, apart from kicking the tires (not literally), it's my responsibility to ensure that the tasks generated by the engineering department is followed as per the manual to ensure that the safety of the aircraft and it's crew/passengers is not compromised in anyway when put on the line with the intention to fly.
...that's basically the long and short of it all!
Most may look at it as a pretty unusual job for any woman. But I am just that...PRETTY and UNUSAL. I like...scratch that...I love what I do and I can't see myself switching careers any time soon. Well...maybe dabble in Social Media Marketing, but that's about it.
Being held responsible for the lives of commuters throughout the region is a pretty intense and rewarding job. Spiderman said it best...'With great power, comes great responsibility.'
Would I go back to flying, which by the way may look pretty hype on paper and is a darn great conversation booster in certain circles, instead of fixing? *shrugs* Maybe when I embark on my mid-life crisis journey.
I kinda love troubleshooting, removing/installing components, testing systems, checking oil levels, kicking tires, inspecting vital areas, operating systems and most of all looking pretty darn feminine while doing it.
Do I see myself advancing in the company? Heck yea! But I'll only do it on my terms. Until then, all you need to know is that I'm in love with what I do!
...and that's being an Aviation Maintenance Engineer.
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